

Like you mean it!

Welcome to
My Singing Space

Have you ever dreamt of expressing yourself with confidence through song? At My Singing Space, we believe everyone possesses the potential to sing beautifully and confidently.

Our mission is to nurture that potential. We offer personalized private and group lessons, alongside workshops designed for both team building and achieving group harmony.

Whether you’re a seasoned performer gracing the stage or just beginning your musical journey, we’re dedicated to guiding you. We’ll help you unlock your full vocal potential, hone your technique, and empower you to reach for musical excellence.

Singing Lessons

At My Singing Space lessons focus on developing the voice through tailored sessions, building technical skills, and helping students reach their highest vocal potential.

For those who are just starting out, vocal lessons provide a foundational journey, gradually building vocal flexibility, and learning essential breathing techniques.

Those with previous experience benefit from refined training, focusing on advanced performance techniques, breathing control and strengthening of the singing voice amongst other skills.

Group vocal classes focus on vocal harmonies, part singing and ear training through interactive activities. These activities help students develop musical skills while fostering communication and a deeper understanding of music through collaborative song interpretation.

What Makes us Special

singing space

At My Singing Space, we champion singers of all ages and backgrounds. Our personalised approach ensures lessons are tailored to your voice, goals, and aspirations.

More than just technique

We focus on building confidence and well-being alongside your technical vocal skills. We believe a relaxed and happy student sings their best!

Make music, not excuses

We understand life can get busy, but your passion shouldn't wait. We offer flexible scheduling options to fit your needs, so you can finally carve out time for your musical dreams.

Unlock your full potential

We offer a variety of programs to ignite your passion. Choose from private singing lessons, group classes, team workshops, and even record your own album!

Unleash your inner rockstar

Whether you're aiming for the spotlight or simply want to sing with more confidence, My Singing Space can help you discover the powerful voice within.

Vocal Styles and Musical Genres


Whenever I go to the class I know it's gonna be a great moment, it is very relaxing and also very efficient to progress this way....
Julie Mascot
One of my favourite things about coach Boyana is that you slowly build your confidence no matter at which point of your singing journey you are...
Emmanuel Chan
My message for coach Bojana is that i have always seen you as a vocal doctor with a heart. So whatever you are doing it works really well...
Rishi Budhrani
I gained so much confidence through the lessons... and anything is possible as long as you have such a great and supportive teacher like her...
Keiko Mila
I do recommend her to everyone as she will definitely teach you a lot. Boyana is a great voice teacher...
Mel Ying Pee
I have been with her for 4 years and she has been such a huge positive influence in my life as a vocal teacher. I feel very free around her...
Florence Lee
...I was nearly tone deaf ! Thank you so much for everything that you taught me, all the fun in lessons and all elements from the singing voice of mine...
Mervin Wee
She is very strong in everything she does, lucky to have found her. I feel Boyana is just another level. She is just Boyana 🙂
Nunki Pontianus


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Eos an odio detracto, per ne aliquam vituperata. Sit ea feugiat fuisset. Nobiser ne aliquam vitupera.

contact us

If you are ready to begin Your Singing Space journey, or if you just want to book a 20min Free consultation by phone/Videoconference/in person, contact us on: